I would like to welcome you to this blog, which will keep you informed about analyses and opinions on a variety of epilepsy-related topics, action research, policy dialogues and awareness raising of  persons e with epilepsy in Africa, starting this week. We will offer something “fresh” for you every Wednesday. The African Epilepsy Documentary that will be filmed in Kenya and the Convening of Epilepsy Stakeholders that will begin in Kenya at the end of May are the two best ways to start this blog this week.

The documentary’s main themes will be perplexity brought on by ignorance, unspoken shame, public empowerment, and a better future ahead!!

Over 12 epilepsy organizations, including existing grantees and coalition partners, will participate in the Convening, which is titled “Kick Epilepsy Stigma out of Kenya” and reflects the range of IBE’s Kenyan portfolio. All epilepsy stakeholders get the chance to network, learn, and develop a powerful and unified voice during the gathering. While forming a cohesive movement will be the main goal, participants will also have the chance to create a strategic plan for the call to action “Kick Epilepsy Stigma Out of Kenya”.

Shine Epilepsy, Foundation for Epilepsy, and KAWE are three organizations in Kenya that IBE is assisting through funding from BAND Foundation. I want to express my gratitude to BAND for your support efforts in Kenya.

Additionally, two donors Band Foundation and Whitten Newman Foundation will highlight their work and areas of emphasis for the upcoming years during this year’s gathering. We hope that this will become a yearly occasion to assess how one of our Icon nations is doing with its efforts to combat epilepsy.  The following week, we’ll offer you a quick update on the November 2023 IBE Africa Epilepsy Conference preparations and why Ethiopia is the best place to be in November.

Also see our hear our weekly Lived Experience story here

The Author can be contacted on amos_action@yahoo.co.uk